Using Social Media As An Engagement Tool For Higher Education

Using Social Media As An Engagement Tool For Higher Education

Helpful Tips and Tricks


Social Media As An Engagement Tool
Social Media As An Engagement Tool
Social Media As An Engagement Tool

A large part of our daily lives revolves around social media, which provides a fantastic opportunity for higher education institutions looking to attract new students to enroll. Here are some tips and best practices from the top institutions that can help you master social media tool for higher education:

Recruiting New Enrollments

Nobody wants to apply to a school they’ve never heard of before. Nowadays, students are using social media to look up schools they are interested in. But creating a profile on social media is not enough. Virtual tours of campus life, snapshots of the school’s grounds, clubs, communities, and social opportunities are all important things to be posted on the school’s social media page because it helps potential students picture their future at that university.


Promoting Values and Achievements

Social media plays an important role in setting up the tone for the campus culture. Schools should make their institution’s missions and values known by promoting and representing the type of environment they aim to cultivate. 


Engaging Students On and Off-Campus

One of the advantages of social media is the possibility for students to engage and take part in student life, no matter whether they live on or off-campus. Create groups and channels where students can rally around various topics, interests, and activities. Create a university hashtag for students to share photos of the campus, run social media contests, promote lecture series, online conferences, and networking events to form connections between students.

Planning a Crisis Communication

The coronavirus pandemic has increased the existing need for crisis communication at colleges and universities. Since nowadays, people more often look to social media for real-time updates and information, it’s critical for schools to form a crisis communication plan. Schools should also respond to social movements, public relations crises, or sexual harassment reports in a timely and respectful manner.  

Advocacy and Fundraising 

Social media in higher education can also be used as a lever for fundraising or raising awareness of certain issues. This way, schools can boost their brand and make a change for the better in their communities and beyond. 

Which Social Media Platforms Are Most Effective For Higher Education Institutions? 

Every social media platform has unique benefits. Facebook and LinkedIn are great for building strong professional networks with past and current students. For building their brand image, schools can make use of visual platforms like Flipboard or Pinterest, while Snapchat and Instagram are ideal for short video content. YouTube is perfect for building a dedicated fanbase, so don’t miss out on the benefits this highly popular platform can offer. 

Take Away

Social media is now a crucial part of anyone’s digital marketing strategy, including colleges and universities. It raises brand awareness, drives student engagement, and helps schools pose as an authority that students go to when they require answers, reassurance, and assistance. The key is to create content that resonates with people and post imagery that showcases the school in the best light.

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